Ordained/Commissioned SDA Ministers as Conference Presidents

Jared Wright shares the following on an up-coming church action:

This weekend (October 28-November 1), the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists convenes for its Year End Meetings.

At the North American Division’s Year-end Meeting (YEM) in 2009 it was voted to allow “ordained/commissioned” ministers to be conference presidents. The vote was rescinded at Elder Jan Paulsen’s request pending anticipated discussion at the General Conference Session in the summer of 2010. Both Elder Paulsen and then NAD President Don Schneider promised that if this discussion did not come to the floor at the GC Session the delegates at the NAD’s 2010 YEM could revisit the issue. When the discussion at GC Session did not materialize, the NAD voted the policy again at the 2010 YEM by an overwhelming majority. In a separate action the NAD also voted to request a variance in the GC’s policy to allow for it. The negative vote at the recent Annual Council does not automatically negate the NAD’s 2010 vote. The policy stands and will be on the agenda for discussion at the 2011 YEM this weekend.

Allowing ordained/commissioned ministers to serve as conference presidents would be a significant step toward gender equality within the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

If this is something that you support, please respond to this urgent appeal for action by signing a petition of support to be presented to current NAD president, Elder Daniel Jackson in advance of discussion of this issue. We want our leadership to hear loudly and clearly that we stand with them as they act to allow ordained/commissioned presidents to serve in the NAD.

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